Saturday, April 18, 2009

XP Game redux

I assisted in another XP game with legos last Tuesday - led by my ThoughtWorks colleague Conrad Benham. Several other ThoughtWorks folks helped to facilitate. We did this at the Atlanta Agile User Group meeting. Kris Kemper captured some of the activity in his blog post. Another participant captured his perspective here. I particularly like his comment "I was stunned at how many real world challenges our team of 5 mirrored". I'm always pleasantly surprised at how effective these games are at conveying agile concepts

I facilitated one of these last year at a Florida .NET user group meeting which was captured in the Apress website in their content area that brings attention to various user groups.

If you have a desire to introduce agile concepts to an audience in a fun setting, you can't go wrong with an XP Game with Legos.

1 comment:

Steven "Doc" List said...

I'm sorry I missed it. Of course, I was in Kansas City doing fun stuff with a client, so it wasn't all bad.

For those who like the Lego game, there will be both Lean and Kanban versions at Agile2009 this summer in Chicago.